A Serbian women'sassociation in Nish held a meeting and consulted a doctor how they could help.
The management committee of the women'sassociation met last night and a full statement on their next course of action is due today.
The proximity of a medical centre and the existence of social organizations such as a women'sassociation were associated with lower levels of trachoma.
The Young Women'sAssociation is composed of young women of the church.
One of the plaintiff groups in the lawsuit is the Tinian Women'sAssociation.
The head of a national women'sorganisation has described that response as weak.
The New Zealand non-governmental women'sorganisation PACIFICA has just marked 40 years of service to Pacific women, families and communities.
The Hat Trimmers are almost wholly a women'sorganization, and their affairs are controlled almost entirely by women.
The judge said the murdered woman and her killers were Pakistani, therefore a Moroccan women'sorganization had not directly suffered from the crime.
Vane understood that she also received a small stipend as secretary to some women'sorganization and that she took a part in suffrage propaganda.
She has done similar work in China where the empowerment model was adopted by the Chinese Women's Federation, the largest women'sorganization in the world.
They were supported by the Women'sOrganization for National Prohibition Reform.
Using her personal knowledge and experience to advocate for the economic freedom of other Malawian women , Banda founded the National Business WomenAssociation.
Porgera District WomenAssociation President Maria Kensary says over 3,000 women signed a petition and conducted a peaceful protest calling for the move last week.
Ús de women organization en anglès
Something the First Lady and the wife of the Vice President had cooked up as part of their Patriotic American Womenorganization.